This page contains only QUICK RULES information for the original Holiday Christmas Music Special Presentation: the WORLDWIDE SLEIGH RIDE. Click here for the Media Content page with detailed rules, guidelines, terms & conditions.
ATTENTION: The Basic Rules are strictly enforced on Telegram, and less so on other WSR outreach social media platforms.
1. Say "hello" to the WSR.
2. No soundtracks (recorded background music).
3. Currently only accepting Non-Musician Media Content that is especially created for the 2021 Worldwide Sleigh Ride.
4. No Shag Evans songs within Non-Musician Media Content.
5. Posting Limit = 1/day
1. Say "hello" to the WSR.
2. Any and all Musician Media Content that is not your own cannot be posted.
3. Currently only accepting Musician Media Content that is especially created for the 2021 Worldwide Sleigh Ride.
4. No copyright-protected lyrics or music, unless you yourself own or control the copyright, or have explicit permission from the copyright holder.
5. No "cover songs" (performance of third party copyright-protected commercially available music).
6. Keep it personal: Resist the urge to post someone else's performance.
7. No soundtracks (recorded background music).
8. Posting Limit = 1/week
A: Detail rules, guidelines, terms & conditions are on the Media Content page.
A: The Telegram feeds need firm guardrails in order to keep the entire thing from turning into a mess. Not at all interested in the Worldwide Sleigh Ride resembling a typical internet forum. This is not Twidder, or Facecrook or Instasick. Having said that, the WSR outreach social media platforms will have less strict enforcement.
A: Too many copyright violations. There is no staff right now to police the issue. In future seasons maybe this rule will be relaxed.
A: Absolutely. Just read the Accepted Use first.
Telegram is the social media headquarters for the Worldwide Sleigh Ride. If you already have a Telegram account click below to participate immediately:
WSR 2021 Full Season Channel - Broadcast feed (no comments)
WSR Main Group - Discussion feed (post comments)
If you want to post Media Content (creative work in the form of text, audio, video etc) there are specific WSR Media Content rules you must follow.
And, if you don't have a Telegram account yet, then you definitely want to read our specific Help/HowTo page that explains the WSR Channel + Group structure and Media Content rules in detail.