This page contains only SOCIAL MEDIA info for the original Holiday Christmas Music Special Presentation: the WORLDWIDE SLEIGH RIDE. Click here for the main page.
These are the best of the currently available FREE SPEECH(!) platforms out there today. It's understood that the mainstream media constantly smears free speech platforms as "dangerous" and "controversial"... but every Pip more than 10 years old should be able to understand: 1) There will always will be a few horrible people who utterly abuse their freedom of speech and 2) That doesn't mean you get rid of freedom of speech.
Read the Join page to get involved quickly and easily thru Telegram.
And, if new to that platform, read our Telegram Help, How To & Explainer page (but don't kid yourself -- the Telegram platform is sophisticated tech and it will take a while to learn about all of the features).
OK, finally settled on the most obvious and easy-to-remember universal user name for social media (even though it's a pain to type the first time):
UPDATE: Went full "freedom of speech" with the final choices. [Telegram, Minds, Locals, Gab & Substack. A few other platforms for outreach. (Free speech is in scare quotes because who knows how long it will last. Right. Once upon a time TWTR was a free speech place.)]
Telegram (channel)
Telegram (discussion/forum)
Minds (outreach)
Gab (outreach)
Gab (outreach)
Substack (blog/newsletter)
Fall 2021: Struggling with the platform choices currently available! They all have major drawbacks. Most all seem to be politically partisan left or right to one extent or another. Partisanship usually leads to no actual freedom of speech being allowed.
Really went down the rabbit hole trying to find a good short abbreviation for the 19 character long "Worldwide Sleigh Ride" brand name.
The most obvious acronym option -- WSR -- was unavailable. And after the failure to get WSR, then the other short stuff was either not very easy to remember or still just plain unavailable.
[UPDATE: It's funny/crazy but eventually the search circled all the way back around to the FULL 19 CHARACTER LONG USER NAME. Here's the deal: the user name is pretty heckin' hairy to type -- but with the modern devices you really only have to type it out one single time. After that the whole enchilada will autofill or appear as a paste choice on your screen.]
So, there it is, the universal user name for social media: /WorldwideSleighRide
Sucks that the handle is so long. But at least there is no issue trying to remember it.
Hear good things about this place. Supposedly it is non-partisan. Supposedly true free speech advocates and genius programmers. Like that it has two brothers running it, so in order for the Globalists to gain control they have to neutralize two people. Sure, go ahead and laugh! This stuff matters. There is relentless pressure (bribery, blackmail, threats of violence) on high profile dissenters across the world.
UPDATE #2. Nov 2021: Really like the international reach and global popularity of Telegram -- think it's an appropriate choice for this project. I am so sick of the anti-Christian tech monopolies in the USA. The fangs have really come out during this Chi-com bioweapon virus fiasco.
UPDATE #1. Oct 2021: Spent a few days learning about this platform and it looks like the best choice right now -- but the only way to really find out is to do the trial & error. Hope this goes better than the webhosting trial & error because it took 6 months and 4 different companies.
Wow this seems to be HQ for lovers of liberty, the freedom crowd (so, of course, very few progressives). This social media platform seems to dovetail well with the Worldwide Sleigh Ride. They seem to be highly non-partisan. You gotta respect the leadership from the guys who built Minds. Interesting that it's another pair of brothers behind the operation, same as Telegram.
Hey, maybe this is a good choice. They are making a real effort to be non-partisan. Exploring the possibilities and will report back.
UPDATE #3. This is turning into a farce. Early Dec 2021: They just did a corporate merger with establishment Wall Street firm Cantor Fitzgerald. Glad I didn't put much effort into setting up shop here. Will just assume they are going to be absorbed by the corrupt Fortune 500 elite woke hive mind oligarchy. How can this place maintain its free speech policies in the long run?
UPDATE #2. Nov 2021: These people merged with Rumble so created an account here as a backup to the likely inevitable future YooToob censorship. The guys who run this operation claim to be free speech advocates so let's see how it goes.
UPDATE #1: Sep 2021: OK just learned this platform owner is a Focks News personality? Focks News itself is definitely not a free speech platform so we gotta assume the Locals CEO will be pretty weak on free speech also when the going gets tough. Maybe not though. Trial period might happen here.
UPDATE #2. Nov 2021: Twidder banned the account bwaahahaha. Never logged in a second time after creating the account. Never sent or received any tweets or DMs. Did not put up a profile pic etc. Btw never tweeted in my life -- don't do any sock puppet trolling type activity on any social media.
UPDATE #1. Oct 2021: Twtr immediately put a bullsh*t "unusual activity" warning on the account -- even though there is zero activity except setup. No tweets sent or received.
Wow, this place is a highly partisan platform. Their emailed news bulletins read like they're sent from Democrat Party headquarters.
And so we kick things off with a big disappointment: their dumb 15 character limit for a user name/handle. This doesn't work well for what we're doing here at the Worldwide Sleigh Ride (19 characters long).
This is the least lame user name/handle option:
Chose this handle but don't like it as an official at all. And the cherry on top is that going over there and typing the full intuitive 19 character name into the browser... won't auto redirect in the browser -- even though the first 15 characters match exactly. WTH there is a simple redirect script that they could use for this issue. But no. Instead all you get is a "This account does not exist page."
Branding matters. The constricted Twtr user name syntax muddles the branding of the Worldwide Sleigh Ride project. So, for this and a lot of other reasons there is motivation to seek a different platform for a primary social media. Maybe use Twtr as a non-primary tool for outreach etc. Not gonna let "Jack" and his censorship goonsquad play the Grinch.
OK, this looks like a great place for Good News outreach (the souls of a few evil minions might be saved) because it's apparently the main gathering place on the internet for intel agents, operatives, stooges and patsies of various tyrannical governments.
Unfortunately, that's not a joke. The New World Order Globalists have decided Gab is public enemy #1. There is a sea of shady accounts on Gab posing as lunatic race mongering throwbacks. Governments around the world are hellbent on discrediting any real free speech internet platforms. The really sick part is that citizen tax dollars fund these massive government dis-information operations!
UPDATE: This place has a serious number of international users. Decided to do active outreach here even though it's very partisan. Why not? Twidder is crazy partisan I would go there also but they have blacklisted both WSR and Shag Evans (I've never sent or received a Tweeeet in my life btw).
Seems like a highly partisan platform. Maybe use it as an outreach tool.
Never have had any account on either of these hell sites. But if Zark ever wakes up and changes sides in the battle between good & evil, then perhaps it will be considered.